The Trustees of the Kootznoowoo Permanent Settlement Trust (KPFST) announce that the October 1, 2021 distribution from KPFST will be in the amount of $2.78 per trust unit.

Income to the Trust is averaged over a five-year period for purposes of calculating distribution amounts.  This means the current distribution look-back period averages income over the fifteen trimesters beginning December 31, 2016 and ending August 31, 2021.  The unaudited fair market value of the Trust’s portfolio as of August 31, 2021 was $17,407,244. For the calendar year 2021, $483,316.50 has been distributed to unit holders from the trust, which equals $7.69 per trust unit.

The past year has been a good run for the Trust.  The markets have recovered since the market crash of March 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The crash was followed by strong market gains and over the last three months our net gains to the trust were $430,476 which is above our benchmark for each trimester of $250,000.

The continued participation in the global stock market has allowed the Trust to produce income regardless of local economic conditions.  As summer has rapidly come to a close, we are reminded that our region’s economies continue to be influenced by the global pandemic. In short, the Trust is a key component of each shareholders’ diversified portfolio, and the trustees remain steadfast in ensuring the Trust continues to grow and make increasing returns to our shareholders.

The KPFST is managed by Alaska Permanent Capital Management.  If you have any questions regarding the Trust, please contact the Kootznoowoo Inc. office at (907) 790-2992.

Ralph “Chico” Bierely

Kootz Commercial Center Maintenance Manager

Chico serves as a jack-of-all-trades for the corporation. His main responsibility is overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the K-Plaza building. However, he provides additional support when needed on a variety of projects. He is based in Juneau.