The Trustees of the Kootznoowoo Permanent Settlement Trust (KPFST) announce that the October 1, 2023, distribution from KPFST will be in the amount of $3.48 per trust unit.
Income to the Trust is averaged over a five-year period for purposes of calculating distribution amounts. This means the current distribution look-back period averages income over the fifteen trimesters beginning December 31, 2017, and ending August 31, 2022. The unaudited fair market value of the Trust’s portfolio as of August 31, 2022, was $14,996,852. For the calendar year 2021, $623,472 has been distributed to unit holders from the trust, which equals $9.72 per trust unit.
Global stock markets and many other investment assets have faced a difficult economic and market environment in 2022. The S&P 500, a widely followed benchmark of US stocks, was down 16.2% on the year, through August 31st. Bonds have also
faced losses, as the federal reserve is raising interest rates to fight inflation, and the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index is down 10.8% on the year. The Trust holds an appropriate mix of both stocks and bonds and was down 11.5% on the year.
Fortunately, the trust is still benefiting from strong investment markets over the last few years as our distribution calculation is averaged over a five-year time period. Unit holders have seen the distribution amount rise to the highest level in close to 20 years. The KPFST is managed by Alaska Permanent Capital Management.
Shareholders who have questions regarding the Trust, should contact the Kootznoowoo Inc. office at (907) 790-2992.
CLICK HERE to download the full announcement from KPFST Chair Edwell John Jr.