Angoon Elementary Gym.  Meeting starts at 11:00 a.m.


I. Welcome
II. Dance Group Performance – Xootxnoowu Dachaxanx’lyan
III. Invocation & Blessing of the Meal
IV. Call to Order
V. Introductions
VI. Approval of the Agenda
VII. Approval of the Minutes from the 50th Annual Meeting of Shareholders
VIII. Inspector of Election’s Oath of Office
IX. Inspector of Election’s Report
X. Corporate Secretary’s Report & Voting Procedures
XI. Candidate Nominations & Speeches
XII. Round 1—Door Prizes
XIII. Candidate Withdrawal & Final Notice for Voting
XIV. President & CEO Report
XV. Proxy Prize Winners Announcement
XVI. Keynote Speaker—Mr. Robb Wong
XVII. In Memorial
XVIII. Break
XIX. Election Results
XX. Round 2—Door Prizes
XXII. Benediction
XXIII. Adjournment

Ralph “Chico” Bierely

Kootz Commercial Center Maintenance Manager

Chico serves as a jack-of-all-trades for the corporation. His main responsibility is overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the K-Plaza building. However, he provides additional support when needed on a variety of projects. He is based in Juneau.