Kootznoowoo’s Newport IV building (also known as Favorite Bay) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has been a longstanding asset for Kootznoowoo. With over 70,000 square feet of high-quality office space, the multi-tenant building has 25 offices suites and is conveniently located near the airport in Albuquerque. It was originally purchased as a real estate investment to earn rental income as a part of the corporation’s property portfolio.

After coming on board in 2023, President & CEO Thomas E. Wilbur initially thought that the best strategy for Newport IV might be sell it and use the profits to expand Kootznoowoo’s businesses portfolio. However, after visiting the building and exploring the government contracting opportunities in the area, he developed a different strategy. “The board has been very forthright in their directive to expand into government contracting,” said Mr. Wilbur. “As I was exploring ways to do that, it turns out that Kootznoowoo has been sitting on this asset that is positioned right in the middle of Department of Defense contracting activities.”

In order to improve Newport IV for its current and future tenants, as well as better prepare it to serve as Kootznoowoo’s 8(a) headquarters, the corporation executed several improvement efforts. This included installing four E/V charging stations and transitioning to LED lighting to become greener and lower the building’s carbon footprint. All 950 light fixtures were upgraded. The cost of this effort was offset by a government rebate of approximately $14,000 and will further provide substantial savings against the buildings overall power usage. The building is also being renamed as the Kootz Defense Campus and will receive new signage to better promote the building and legitimize Kootznoowoo’s presence in the local federal marketplace.

“This initiative is well under way,” said President & CEO Thomas E. Wilbur. “This effort promises to add value to our largest asset and will likely result in additional tenant occupancy.” Other improvements included installing monitors for announcements; adding vending machines to the building for added tenant convenience; placing defibrillators and NARCON wall kits within the building for added safety; and improving the lobby’s atmosphere with Tlingit art to demonstrate Kootznoowoo’s cultural ties and ownership.

Finally, the Kootz Defense Campus will also have the third and final Kootzcam installed soon on the top of the building. “This camera will provide a view of the Sandia Mountain Range during the day and a view of the gleaming city lights of Albuquerque in the evening,” said Mr. Wilbur. “This will provide shareholders a view into another part of the country where their corporation has a presence and perhaps entice some of them to consider working in our defense sector!”

Ralph “Chico” Bierely

Kootz Commercial Center Maintenance Manager

Chico serves as a jack-of-all-trades for the corporation. His main responsibility is overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the K-Plaza building. However, he provides additional support when needed on a variety of projects. He is based in Juneau.