Katherine “Katie” Pittman recently graduated with a Master of Educational Leadership from the University of Alaska Southeast. This is Katie’s second degree having previously earned a Bachelor of Education from Arizona State University. In addition to KCEF, Katie also received scholarships from Sealaska Heritage Institute and the Preparing Indigenous Teachers & Administrators for Alaska Schools (PITAAS) program.

“This was such an intensive but transformative program for me,” said Katie who completed the program’s required 36 graduate level credit hours in just 12 months. While pursuing her degree, she also worked at Harborview’s Tlingit Culture, Language, and Literacy Program (TCLL) in Juneau, Alaska, as the program’s special education teacher.

“I loved my time at TCLL and am proud of the work and advocacy that I was able to support on behalf of the program and students,” said Katie. “This master’s degree gave me the administrative certification credential necessary to pursue my dream job and I’m excited to announce that I have been hired as the Native Student Success Coordinator at the Juneau School District (JSD).”  This new role places Katie in a position to expand work with local and regional partners to develop and enhance the Tlingit language and cultural experiences for all JSD students.

Katie is the daughter of Tom (L’eeneidi) and Loretta Pittman and the granddaughter of William Samato (L’eeneidi) and Ann Rudolph Samato. She was born in Juneau and feels fortunate to have spent her childhood in Angoon and Juneau. Katie’s Tlingit name is Kaasgeiy and she is Shangukeidi from the Xeitl and Kaawdiyaayi Hits.

Ralph “Chico” Bierely

Kootz Commercial Center Maintenance Manager

Chico serves as a jack-of-all-trades for the corporation. His main responsibility is overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of the K-Plaza building. However, he provides additional support when needed on a variety of projects. He is based in Juneau.